Professional reporting at the click of a button
With Sitebulb's PDF reporting options you can quickly build a professional, formatted PDF report that encapsulates the audit for presentation. You can view the PDF locally, share it with your team, or send it out to clients and prospective clients.
Customise every element
Sitebulb's PDF reports are completely customisable - literally choose exactly what you want to include.
This means you can pick and choose exactly what you want to include for the specific situation:
- Only print out Hints, to quickly show a client without going through the whole report with them.
- Only print the scores and graphs, for a high-level report to give to executives.
- Print a prioritised list of Hints to give to a developer to work through.
- Print a reduced report to send to prospective clients, to pique their interest but not overwhelm them with data.
Perfect for sales prospecting
Many Sitebulb users succesfully make use of the PDF reports as a sales hook for prospects. With just a few button clicks, they can present prospective clients with a customised audit report, to use as a starting point for further engagement.